
Hello October!

I am just saying hello to October in this blog while it is almost on its way out! This semester has been flying by (but not nearly fast enough because I'm already ready for it to be over)! Just thought I would do a quick check in and let you know that I am knee deep in midterms and will be back very soon with a new blog. I'm thinking about writing on apraxia since it's kind of a hot button issue in the field!

I was just sitting here studying and thinking about how much I have learned since August. It's pretty mind blowing. Things have really started clicking for me at work (since I'm an interventionist) and at school since I am starting to see the bigger picture of the roles SLPs and interventionists play in early intervention services. It's my "a-ha" moment as one of my high school teachers would say. (I went to a high school that had a unique multidisciplinary program and she would always tell us we would have our "a-ha" moment when all four disciplines came together in our brains and started making sense in conjunction with each other, not separately.)


Ok, back to work!